General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)


Eligibility Criteria

GNM is a 3-year diploma course that is run with the motive of providing a skilled workforce to the healthcare industry. The curriculum of GNM covers various subjects, including Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Nutrition, Psychology, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Community health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, and Midwifery.

GNM Nursing Diploma course at our nursing college School of Nursing represents one of the best nursing schools in Dehradun and holds approval from the Indian Nursing Council (INC). GNM nursing education has a curriculum structure that provides students with authority-recognized medical principles and advanced techniques which address healthcare needs arising from hospital worker shortages in our country.

The academic training of GNM students takes place across different medical facilities that include hospitals alongside clinics and community health centers combined with maternal and child health centers. The direct clinical training helps nursing students to build essential skills needed for effective midwifery practice.

Successful completion of the GNM course provides graduates with the ability to seek registration at their country's nursing council or board. Legal practice both as a nurse and midwife requires mandatory registration.

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Job Profile Job Description Average Annual Salary
Teachers The delivery of academic content to students with diverse areas of knowledge falls under teachers at post-secondary levels. The educational staff members both publish academic papers and conduct investigative studies while providing discipline-specific instruction. INR 3.5LPA
Legal Consulting Nurses Law-based consulting nurses are professional nurses who deliver medical documentation to both legal organizations and medical research agencies as well as medical experts working on medical cases. The data consists of patient-related information collected through clinical records review as well as report and outline preparation for wound analysis and sickness evaluation. INR 6.5 LPA
Forensic Nurses Forensic nurses take responsibility for providing medical assistance to assault victims along with children and elderly victims of abuse and domestic violence and neglected individuals and sexual assault survivors. Aside from providing emergency and casualty care services Forensic Nurses collect evidence and secure crime sites in conflict scenarios and reported crime investigations. INR 4.2 LPA
Clinical/Hospital Nurses Clinical Nurse Specialists of Clinical/Hospital Nurses serve healthcare systems through doctor's offices and hospitals as well as clinics and medical centers and similar facilities. Specific medical experts focus on particular specialties such as Diabetology or Pediatrics together with Obstetrician and Cardiovascular Health or Public Policy. INR 4 LPA
Home Nurses One role of the Home Nurse involves permanent medical care for people confined to home and sick patients along with services for optimizing understaffed medical practices. The workload of certain Home Nurses necessitates their travel between medical facilities in hospitals and schools as well as clinics. INR 3 LPA